Well then I remembered, Malcolm being Head Prefect was supposed to be early to school for the annual 'Majlis Anugerah Kecermerlangan Akademik' (Academic Excellence Awards Ceremony, for those without the Malay language advantage.) Anyway, I was part of the ceremony as well, for my achievements in the last STPM examinations. Well, some of you might be excited, even exhilarated at getting prizes in these ceremonies, my mom and Malcolm being prime examples, me and my dad being prime ANTI-examples. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the idea of receiving prizes, but in this case, the disadvantages of the said awards ceremony FAR outweighs the advantages. Well, I will let my story be my point...
But first off, I was awakened at 8.00 A.M. by mom to get ready for the ceremony... WHY 8 o' clock may I ask? Civil servants start work at 9.00 A.M. (Okay, they don't, but let's give them the benefit of the doubt shall we?), heck, even my FATHER complains that he dosen't go to work that early... Anyway, dressed in a brown Converse T, and slacks. Formal enough for you? Well, apparently not for my mom... "Are you sure you wanna go in that?" Well, I could have argued, but lets go with the inevitable, and go change into... a checkered short-sleeved shirt :
Huh? Looks like I'm going for my wedding? Heck, sure feels like it! Hehehehe, ok, bad joke that... Okay, no issue with the clothes... yet. Left at 8.30, figuring that if we went for breakfast (oh, in hindsight, that Cintan packet was more of a snack...) we would get to school just as the speeches winded up. But no, we came just in time for the first speech, then the second, then the third... Born loser, me. And, I find to my exasperation, this:
Notice: SHIRT, SLACKS (that is me, btw, and the rest are my friends, here for the ceremony as well...); T-SHIRT, slacks; T-SHIRT, JEANS; T-SHIRT, JEANS; T-SHIRT, JEANS andddd... T-Shirt, Jeans. Ok, mom, to be honest, I kinda expected that. Well, never mind, don't mind the discomfort... and the stifling heatwave that seemed to have struck Batu Pahat... and the... But I digress.
So in the trapped heat of Highscho
ol's Dewan, we waited... and waited... and waited.... Notice that Mom is missing the usual Sudoku puzzles and Malcolm, being the Head Prefect, had to pretend to be listening to every single word from the VIPs... Haih, pure torture, and here I thought torture was illegal... Oh wait, this kind of torture was legalised long ago... Cheh...
And so, after sweating it out, I got the award from the VIP, Wakil Rakyat (Assemblyman) Koh Chee Chai. Eagerly I looked at the package, and what I got was : a certificate, standard issue, with some flattering words and stuff ANNNDDD... a voucher from Bank Simpanan Nasional. Okay, maybe not that bad (heard that last year's batch got at least RM150)... Wait, let me see that voucher.... "RM60" Wait! ALL THAT WAITING AND SUFFERING FOR 60 measly dollars? Haih...*Slumps* too.... tired .... to.... throw... tantrum....
Hahaha... mother knows best... hahaha...
hehehhehe... true true... lolz
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